Prep for your Naturopathic Initial Visit
Upon scheduling your first appointment you will receive an intake form that contains a thorough health history questionnaire about physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that you may be experiencing. She will utilize your health history during your initial visit that typically lasts between 60-90 minutes. In that time, Dr. Martin will elicit a complete picture of your present condition as well as review your past medical history, family history, risk factors, and current health concerns. A physical examination will be performed and lab tests ordered when appropriate. General treatment recommendations are made at this time.

Dr. Martin is also a licensed acupuncturist and may recommend this treatment modality in conjunction with a naturopathic treatment plan to achieve optimal wellness. Learn more about acupuncture.
Follow-up Visits
The information gathered from the initial visit is utilized to create an individualized treatment plan that is presented at your follow up visit. These visits usually last between 30-45 minutes. Future appointments will be scheduled depending on your progress towards health and specific needs.
Preventative Care
Dr. Martin believes in the importance of preventative care to maintain optimal health. By scheduling periodic preventative healthcare visits, she can remain current with new developments in your health. She offers annual physical examinations for the family including well-child exams, well woman care, and screening physicals. We look forward to working with you on your journey towards health!
Please visit our Patient Portal to fill out Adult and/or Pediatric Intake Forms prior to your first appointment. If you would like to have your medical records sent to or from Vermont Natural Family Health, please download and fill out our Medical Release Form.
Cancellation Policy
As a courtesy, we email confirmations for your appointment prior to your scheduled time; ultimately it is your responsibility to keep the scheduled appointment or to reschedule.
Vermont Natural Family Health has a 24-hour cancellation policy in regards to scheduled appointments. If for some reason you cannot be present for a scheduled appointment, please notify us 24 hours prior to that appointment. If appointments are not cancelled within the appropriate time frame, we reserve the right to bill the patient for 50% of the cost of the missed appointment. We strive not only to keep our patients healthy but to keep healthy professional relationships as well. Please join us in collaborating on a healthy relationship throughout your care.